The Philippines is returning to port a coast guard vessel anchored in the contested Sabina Shoal in the South China Sea after a five-month deployment as its mission is accomplished, the maritime counc ...
Air Canada said early on Sunday it had reached a tentative agreement with its pilots union over a new four-year collective agreement, in a last-minute deal that will avert a near-term strike or lockou ...
颱風貝碧嘉逼近華東, 預計今晚至明早在浙江寧波到江蘇啓東一帶沿海登陸. 中央氣象台繼續發布颱風橙色預警, 並指颱風吹襲期間, 適逢中秋節假期和天文大潮, 浙江、 上海、 江蘇等地將遭遇風、 雨、 潮疊加的災害影響, 部分地區雨量有機會高達100至200毫米.         國家防汛抗旱總指揮部針對上海、 浙江、 福建、 江蘇四個省市, 啓動防汛防颱風四級應急響應, 並派出工作組到浙江前綫協助指導 ...
A wildfire in Spain's northern Catalonia region forced emergency services to order the closure of the main AP-7 motorway and a high-speed rail link, emergency services said on Saturday.
警方在荃灣截停一輛衝過路障的電單車, 拘捕電單車司機, 並在他身上檢獲少量毒品, 市值17,000元.         凌晨4時多, 警方在荃灣路設置路障期間, 涉事私家車衝過路障而沒有停下, 最後在德士古道近楊屋道將車輛截停. 警方在55歲男司機身上, 檢獲少量懷疑海洛英及一枝伸縮棍, 司機亦未能通過快速口腔液測試, 以及未能出示有效駕駛執照. 警方亦懷疑, 涉事電單車是被偷走及套上假牌.
Myanmar's flooding death toll rose to 74 as of Friday evening, after heavy rains triggered widespread floods across the war-torn country.                  According to a state media report, search and ...
A surface-to-surface missile fired at central Israel from Yemen hit an unpopulated area, causing no injuries, Israel's military said on Sunday.                  Moments earlier, air raid sirens had so ...
連鎖健身美容中心舒適堡暫時全線結業, 消委會接獲超過3,800宗投訴. 消委會總幹事黃鳳嫺表示, 位於灣仔的分店已經以另一個店名重開, 原有客戶如果要使用設施, 需要簽署申請書, 但當中的的條款混亂, 建議受影響市民先觀察事態發展, 毋須著急簽署.         黃鳳嫺在電視節目指, 轉會可能涉及附加條款或者服務更改, 消費者如果認為不適合, 有權要求退款, 消費者應該理順交易記錄, 並嘗試就近 ...
Two Spaniards, three U.S. citizens and a Czech have been arrested in Venezuela on suspicion of links to alleged plans to destabilize the South American country.                  A spokesperson for the ...
At least 64 people were feared dead following a boat accident on a river in Zamfara State in northwest Nigeria, local officials said on Saturday.                  A wooden boat carrying 70 farmers cap ...
委內瑞拉拘捕6名外國人, 包括涉嫌企圖暗殺總統馬杜羅, 及破壞委內瑞拉穩定, 又指美國和西班牙情報部門均牽涉其中.         委內瑞拉內政部長卡貝洛表示, 被捕2名西班人, 企圖暗殺當地1名市長, 另外3名美國人及1名捷克人則涉及恐怖活動, 包括企圖暗殺馬杜羅及其他官員. 他又指拘捕了一名現役美國軍官, 並截獲400支來自美國的步槍.         美國國務院發表聲明, 確認一名美軍人員被 ...
財政司長陳茂波表示, 政府即將發行的銀色債券, 為長者提供風險低、 回報穩、 安全可靠的投資選項, 強調今次銀債的條件和安排相當吸引, 其中利息會與通脹掛鈎並保證不少於4厘, 至於其餘零售債券的發行詳情, 將會在未來數月公布.         陳茂波在網誌指, 不同類型和年期的債券能夠引導資金, 支持不同類型的基礎建設, 擴大發展容量, 促進整體經濟更好發展, 而銀債募集所得的資金, 將會撥入「基 ...