An update on the legal tech market's past week, from product launches to new partnerships. The fast-paced legal tech world is ...
Further down the California coast, Snell & Wilmer hired Knobbe Martins partner Jason Gersting to join its Orange County ...
The rapid advancement of deepfake technology has introduced significant challenges to privacy, security, and the integrity of ...
I haven't seen a decline in inquiries. We get inquiries from both the law firms directly, and people in the business who are ...
This hiring mandate, which remains in effect, directs Northwestern Law School to intentionally and consciously discriminate ...
Civil RICO is seen as “the litigation equivalent of a thermonuclear device,” and civil RICO claims are often employed in ...
AI is here, and it is here to stay. And, of course, these tools are evolving at a rapid pace, presenting new opportunities ...
Be aware of the phenomenon of concept creep. Implement appropriate safeguards. The family law system can better serve the needs of divorcing families and protect the well-being of children while ...
Take attorneys out of the equation. Stop building CRM that succeeds or fails on their shoulders. We need to shift the focus ...
Score high on your reliability and integrity indexes; we all depend on each other in this profession. Be genuinely nice to ...
If you gave up on doing HITECH requests and went back to sending requests to providers with the patient's direction to send ...
A New Jersey federal magistrate judge has preliminarily approved a class action settlement in multidistrict litigation over ...