WASHINGTON — (AP) — The House voted Wednesday to form a task force to investigate the security failures surrounding the ...
President Joe Biden delivered a solemn Oval Office address Wednesday that laid out in the clearest terms yet why he abandoned his reelection campaign ...
WASHINGTON — (AP) — President Joe Biden on Wednesday delivered a solemn call to voters to defend the country's democracy as ...
While the city doesn't require tree services to be licensed, bonded, or insured - nor does it require any training, education ...
CHARLOTTE, N.C. — (AP) — Donald Trump unleashed a barrage of attack lines Wednesday against his likely new opponent, Vice ...
LOS ANGELES — (AP) — A record 17 California condor chicks hatched at the Los Angeles Zoo during this year's breeding season ...
VIOLET, La. — (AP) — A volunteer-heavy effort to restore some of Louisiana's eroding coast with recycled oyster shells was ...
Insisting that “the defense of democracy is more important than any title,” President Joe Biden is explaining in an Oval ...
The Missouri Supreme Court has halted the immediate release of a man whose murder conviction was overturned — just as the man ...
Kamala Harris is already facing a wave of Republican-backed attack ads questioning her leadership, her progressive record and ...
Georgia state Superintendent Richard Woods now says the state will pay for districts to teach a new Advanced Placement course ...