So a family friend let it be known today that they were taking a pause from work and going to be concentrating on canvassing full time from next week. This sitting cllr stands a very good chance of ...
And Asti members will demand a kings ransom to do so. That said, if a student can afford a smartphone they can afford a pouch. so the rule should be, no pouch in school - no phone in school. Click to ...
The ministers of Finance get younger all the time. I half expect the next one to be dropped off by his mother. From what I can tell this will have no vision They could have lifted 40k children out of ...
It probably means that as more social housing is delivered, the need to subsidise low-income tenants in private rental accommodation decreases. "So how are things at ...
My favourite part of the budget was just wasting €9 million on nothing €9 Million for phone pouches in schools. Slaintecare is a plan to create a public healthcare system. Its success or failure doesn ...
The main issue is that the despite the advancements made in communications technology, the people are simply not allowed any input into the budget. The whole thing is done in secret, there is no ...
Don't understand why they are being sent to London and New York, the required surgery is available in other EU member states, the who issue of travel insurance would not arise and the costs will be ...
I know the opposition have to be "objective" in commenting in advance of the budget, but some of the nonsense they are saying is ridiculous. The reason that clichés become clichés is that they are the ...
among the promises they make is one in the context of the bike shed controversy that they will do things differently. good to know. I presume that means that in future when they sit on an oireachtas ...
One thing I hope does not happen is any VAT reduction for restaurants. The last two times this happened, the reduction was not passed on to the consumer, yet when the full rate was subsequently ...
Haven't seen a thread on this. On Tuesday Jack Chambers will stand up with pascal Donohue and announce a raft of financial measures for next year. Many of them are well flagged by various media ...
I think Belfast has great potential and would be keen on making that a northern technology hub. King's Inns must be destroyed. Please note that the views expressed in these posts are not necessarily ...