Most of the sulphides examined possess prominent and characteristic features in the far-IR range. Spectra obtained are compared to those available from previous studies. Far-IR peak frequencies and ...
It is possible to optionally equip the VERTEX 80/80v optical components to cover the spectral range from the far IR, or terahertz, through the mid and near IR and visible, and up to the ...
Hence the beauty of far-infrared heating devices, such as lamps and saunas, as therapy. These devices put out heat in the range of 2-50 microns, hence far-infrared. Think of far-infrared as a type of ...
All reflective optics and proprietary detector enable the analysis of organic and inorganic materials with mid- and far-IR spectroscopy. The iS50 ATR leaves the main sample compartment free for other ...
It is possible to optionally equip the VERTEX 80/80v optical components to cover the spectral range from the far IR, or terahertz, through the mid and near IR and visible, and up to the ultraviolet ...