A new study from NYU Tandon School of Engineering suggests that when it comes to visualizations of mass shooting data, ...
We met Gwen in her hometown of Poplar Grove, U.S., (all names are pseudonyms). She was there to talk with us about the day ...
This year marks the 50th anniversary of Brandes Investment Partners. The milestone invites us to reminisce,reflect, and delve ...
A machine-learning method predicts whether a genetic variant is pathogenic and affects certain human tissues. The ...
More information: Isabel Guerreiro et al, Antagonism between H3K27me3 and genome–lamina association drives atypical spatial ...
Rescue teams battled through torrential floods as severe downpours lashed northern Thailand, causing landslides that have killed at least three people. Video shows personnel wading and swimming ...
This manuscript describes the impact of modulating signaling by a key regulatory enzyme, Dual Leucine Zipper Kinase (DLK), on hippocampal neurons. The results are interesting and will be important for ...
Around the world, research on climate change and agriculture has revealed a complex two-way relationship. Global agriculture ...
Co-expressing NPY and its inhibitory receptor Y2 in excitatory hippocampal cells allows inhibitory autoregulation of ...
Using the psychrometric chart, the initial enthalpy was evaluated at ambient conditions. The final enthalpy was also evaluated using the psychrometric chart at the optimum drying temperature.