Since the beginning of the Russian invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022, some people have been praising Russia as a role ...
On July 27, the Islamist terrorist group Hezbollah attacked the Israeli Druze village of Majdal Shams in the Golan Heights.
Força, Portugal! El 43 Grupo vuelve a Portugal para ayudar a luchar contra el fuego que amenaza varias ciudades. Dos Canadair ...
The Vigo Estuary is a place of enormous beauty, where sunsets and twilights are pure visual poetry throughout the year. Wave ...
Franco's dictatorship created a register of journalists to control them ...
Currently Sanchez is the president of the Socialist International, an organization whose members include eleven parties that ...
One of the graves, belonging to a man born in 1879 and who died in 1909, has an elaborate stone headstone and includes a ...
The EZAPAC operators have a green beret as their distinctive garment, a garment common to the other two units of the Joint ...
For months Sánchez has been announcing an "Action Plan for Democracy", a cynical title to control the media from power that ...
Let us not forget that two months ago, Feijóo provoked the breakdown of the regional government pacts between the PP and Vox ...
The Principality of Asturias is a Spanish region known for its rugged mountains and beautiful, green landscapes. The hidden ...
Congratulations to Ángel Gaitán and the staff of Ala 12 for this excellent video, which shows us little-known work by our air ...