The NFU has successfully supported a number of MPs over the years to introduce PMBs that benefit food and farming businesses.
A Bedfordshire farmer plagued by hare coursers believes a new consultation on court sentencing guidelines could make a real impact.
The NFU is urging the government to act on the recommendations of the National Preparedness Commission, an independent group ...
As part of its Stop the Family Farm Tax campaign, the NFU will bring to life the effect of the government’s proposed inheritance tax changes on all farming generations with a display of tractors and ...
More than 20 dairy processors, with a combined turnover of over £7 billion, have joined 57 other businesses from across the ...
Speaking to numerous agriculture-related industries, the NFU knows how much they share our concerns about the government’s ...
The NFU and the NSP is reminding growers to soil test as the basis of IPM (integrated pest management) strategies for managing PCN this spring.
The NFU is also working with BT and other providers to ensure that rural communities are not left without sufficient support ...
NFU President Tom Bradshaw talks through who's speaking and the topics we'll be covering in our 'Foundations for the Future' ...
The NFU has had reports of calves being born displaying sigs of weakness, ill thrift and/or brain deformities. As such, we're ...
The NFU is the biggest farming organisation in the UK. We have a high profile nationally, both in the media and in Westminster, as well as a well‑established network supporting and working with our ...
NFU President Tom Bradshaw says that transparency, engagement and a government that is willing to listen are key for a land ...