颱風貝碧嘉逼近華東, 預計今晚至明早在浙江寧波到江蘇啓東一帶沿海登陸. 中央氣象台繼續發布颱風橙色預警, 並指颱風吹襲期間, 適逢中秋節假期和天文大潮, 浙江、 上海、 江蘇等地將遭遇風、 雨、 潮疊加的災害影響, 部分地區雨量有機會高達100至200毫米.         國家防汛抗旱總指揮部針對上海、 浙江、 福建、 江蘇四個省市, 啓動防汛防颱風四級應急響應, 並派出工作組到浙江前綫協助指導 ...
The Philippines is returning to port a coast guard vessel anchored in the contested Sabina Shoal in the South China Sea after a five-month deployment as its mission is accomplished, the maritime counc ...
Air Canada said early on Sunday it had reached a tentative agreement with its pilots union over a new four-year collective agreement, in a last-minute deal that will avert a near-term strike or lockou ...
A wildfire in Spain's northern Catalonia region forced emergency services to order the closure of the main AP-7 motorway and a high-speed rail link, emergency services said on Saturday.