Businesses applying for government-issued tenders must run a gauntlet of "tailor-made specifications" and certain "needless ...
The Phoenicia Malta is welcoming back Mariam De Giorgio in what is her second solo exhibition. Following the success of her ...
Ethical hacking is a concept which Malta has begun to better understand. Sadly, it took a particular case involving three students and a lecturer to bring it to the fore. Back in 2022, three students ...
Michele Marcolini has been sacked as Malta’s national football coach, the Malta Football Association announced on Friday night. The decision comes after Malta suffered a disappointing 2-0 ...
The saying goes that one day in politics is a very long time indeed. I must admit that the last fortnight has been particularly unpleasant. I am fully accepting of the fact that the complaints and ...
What is honesty or dishonesty in a politician? Is it possible for a politician to be honest at all? The question goes to the heart of democracy. When Maltese voters write off politicians as dishonest, ...
Before you became President of the Labour Party, you held jobs at the Malta mission to the then European Economic Community. Was this stint influential in your later position against Malta's full ...
Last we spoke, you told me about your intention to throw your hat in the ring for the post of Secretary General of the Nationalist Party. As I promised you my support, I couldn't feel happier - both ...
The huge outpouring of public grief at the untimely death of Karl Gouder was mainly by those who got to know him in the various mansions of the Nationalist Party, but included also people from the ...
Mario Draghi, former President of the European Central Bank, and former Italian Prime Minister, submitted a report looking into the challenges faced by industry and the corporate ...
Jan-Erik Olsson put on a woman's wig and oversized sunglasses, stormed into Stockholm's Credit Banken and fired his machine gun into the ceiling. He ordered the cashiers to ...
Karl Gouder was, in many ways, always destined to lead and to bring people together. His tragic, untimely death last Tuesday left the country in shock, reeling from the loss of a man who ...