Amid renewed warnings from leading climate scientists that global warming could reach 3C above pre-industrial levels this ...
The UN independent human rights expert on protection from torture on Tuesday reiterated the urgent need for all Israeli ...
UN agencies and their humanitarian partners are providing life-saving relief to families in Nigeria who lost their homes ...
Countries must use a once-in-a-generation summit to address current and emerging global challenges and reform outdated international institutions, Secretary-General António Guterres said on Wednesday ...
Plasschaert, has called for calm following attacks across the country on Tuesday which killed at least nine people, including ...
Workers with the UN’s sexual and reproductive health agency, UNFPA, have some of the toughest assignments going in the humanitarian field, helping protect new mothers and babies often born in the ...
La Asamblea General adopta una resolución que exige a Israel el fin de la ocupación en los territorios palestinos. La ONU ...
Mientras las negociaciones de la Cumbre del Futuro entran en su recta final, el titular de la ONU pide a los países que se ...
联合国秘书长 古特雷斯 周三通过发言人发表声明,对黎巴嫩发生的大规模通讯装置爆炸并造成重大伤亡事件表示震惊。他敦促所有有关行为体保持最大限度的克制,避免事态进一步升级。 据报道,9 月 17 日和 18 ...
L’Assemblée générale des Nations Unies a adopté mercredi à une écrasante majorité une résolution exigeant la fin de ...
Às vésperas da 79ª sessão da Assembleia Geral, secretário-geral enfatiza necessidade de reformar instituições globais, ...
Texto adotado com 124 votos favoráveis reafirma ilegalidade da ocupação israelense, em consonância com parecer da Corte ...