Mongolia’s president welcomed Russian President Vladimir Putin in the capital of Ulaanbaatar on Sept. 3 for an official ...
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine has announced a démarche to the Mongolian side due to the refusal of the signatory ...
Ukraine's Foreign Ministry issued a formal diplomatic note, also known as a demarche, to Mongolia during a meeting with a ...
Despite tensions, the region has been free of state conflict for decades, but a realignment of the security architecture puts ...
The Russian president visited Mongolia on a two-day trip this month and reportedly met with intermediaries with the spirit ...
Foreign Ministry expresses 'profound disappointment ' over Mongolia's refusal to fulfill its obligation under Rome Statute - ...
Ukraine’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs delivered a démarche to Mongolia on 12 September due to its refusal to comply with an International Criminal Court warrant for the arrest of Vladimir Putin.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine has issued a demarche to Mongolia over the visit of Russian President Vladimir ...
"Ukraine is deeply disappointed by the refusal of Mongolia as a signatory to the Rome Statute to execute the warrant issued by the International Criminal Court for Putin's arrest during his stay ...