It is Landing Day, the 370th anniversary of the arrival of 23 Jews at New Amsterdam, which would become New York City, which ...
Republicans invited Mark Goldfeder, the director of the National Jewish Advocacy Center, which has filed lawsuits to protect ...
The video that the influencer Ellie Zeiler uploaded for her millions of followers last week included her content’s regular ...
The great George Gilder has long recognized the herculean genius of California’s entrepreneurs, along with that of the ...
Rosh Hashanah is one of Judaism's holiest days, a two-day celebration marking the start of the Jewish new year, will happen a ...
Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, clashed over the hearing’s aims and even its name,  “Threat to Justice Everywhere: Stemming ...
Although the candidates didn’t spend much time on Israel, their short back-and-forth may have revealed how the two campaigns ...
In the statement, Al-Qaeda exhorted Muslims worldwide to attack America and other countries: “Now that the mujahideen of ...
The 32-year-old influencer is one of the most effective communicators at making the case for the Jewish state. Celebrities ...
This Tishrei, Shluchim are intensifying their efforts to welcome the growing number of Jews seeking community, connection and ...
So many students are afraid to ask questions, take particular classes, tackle certain problems, and be intellectually curious because of cancel culture.
An anti-Israel agitator was escorted out of a congressional hearing on “hate” after yelling “f------ Jews” at Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, while he spoke about antisemitism on college campuses.