India's inflation declined for a second straight month year on year, coming in just below expectations at 5.22% in December.
ICRA Chief Economist Aditi Nayar said last year's record budgeted capital expenditure of ₹ 11.11 lakh crore is likely to fall ...
India's inflation eased further in December to the lowest level in four months amid a slowdown in food prices, data from the National ...
India's economy is projected to become the fourth largest globally by 2026, overtaking Japan. The PHD Chamber of Commerce and ...
A surge in oil prices, continued outflows from foreign investors, and a rally in USD might cap the INR's upside.
US policy shifts and rising crude oil prices increase inflation risks. These global uncertainties challenge India’s economic ...
India is set to become the fourth-largest economy by 2026, surpassing Japan, according to PHDCCI. The country's GDP is ...