Today I announce that in partnership with the ACT Labor Government, our Federal Labor Government will invest a further $25 million to help build 500 new homes in Coombs and Wright. We will also ...
The Albanese Labor Government will introduce legislation this year to enforce a minimum age for access to social media and other relevant digital platforms. A Commonwealth-led approach to this ...
EMMA REBELLO, HOST: For more on our top story this morning, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese joins us from Parliament House. Prime Minister, good morning. Thanks for joining us on News Breakfast.
Prime Minister Anthony Albanese will travel to the United States for the 2024 Quad Leaders’ Summit, to be held on 21 September in Wilmington, Delaware. The Prime Minister will attend with fellow Quad ...
The reforms respond to the recommendations of the Aged Care Taskforce, which brought together older Australians, experts and residential aged care providers and recommended that Australians make a ...
KARL STEFANOVIC, HOST: Australia will block children from accessing social media under landmark new reforms, with the Government announcing new legislation to impose age restrictions. Prime Minister, ...
WIPPA: Mate, fantastic encouragement overnight. This is terrific news. You were one of the first people to encourage everybody to go to the petition and sign at 36 We thank you for your ...
We want children to have their childhood. We want parents to have peace of mind. That's what a minimum age for safer social media will help achieve. Our government understands people are under ...
Friends, this is an anniversary truly worth celebrating. Thirty years since delegates to the 1994 Australian Labor Party National Conference took the decision to adopt Affirmative Action with the aim ...
On behalf of all Australians, it is my great honour to welcome you home. I know that plane behind us had some very special carry-on baggage. That adds-up to another outstanding Paralympics for ...
And the resources industry is front and centre in our Government’s plan for Australia to make the most of this transformative opportunity. Already, 92 per cent of the global economy is signed up to ...
National Cabinet agreed to negotiate a renewed, five year National Partnership Agreement on Family, Domestic and Sexual Violence Responses, to commence on 1 July 2025 and deliver over $700 million in ...