The question of what computers can’t do was posed in 1972 by the philosopher Hubert Dreyfus. Dreyfus’s answer ...
The legal scholar George Fletcher, writing about political changes in Eastern Europe after the fall of Communism, called the ...
Freud was always moving on, though the ending could be frayed. When the break-up was especially traumatic, it effected ...
Bibi Rabbiyah Khan told me that she worried about her children and grandchildren. Her family had moved to London in the 1960s, when she was eight years old, and she recalled her father joining efforts ...
Young Kenyans are frustrated by a lack of economic opportunities and public services, characterising themselves as ...
Since the beginning of August, the women at the halaqa told me, fear had given way to wariness. ‘I am not scared,’ one said. ‘But its always at the back of my mind, I am aware, I stay alert, that ...
A video posted on 26 August shows Alice Kisiyia, a Palestinian from Beit Jala, standing in front of her land, which Israeli settlers have taken over and fenced off from her. They sit at her family ...
Your browser does not support the audio element. Jane Ellen Harrison was Britain’s first female career academic, a maverick public intellectual burdened with the ...
Read anywhere with the London Review of Books app, available now from the App Store for Apple devices, Google Play for ...
This episode is a chapter from Complicated Women by Bee Wilson, a new LRB audiobook, based on pieces first published in the London Review of Books. Wilson explores the lives of ten figures, from Lola ...