Increasing cost transparency and better access to information strengthen competition, says National Council member Samira ...
Weapons banned under international law should continue to be completely excluded from investments, according to associations ...
NEST sees no conflict between a master trust's fiduciary responsibilities to its members and investment in the companies and ...
Interim results from Denmark’s statutory pension scheme ATP showed it continuing to recoup some of 2022’s huge losses on its ...
The European pension regulator believes scrapping the cap will encourage interest in launching a Pan-European Pension Product ...
Germany plans to launch a retirement savings account supported by public subsidies but without guarantees to reform third ...
Minerva will develop a bespoke voting policy for LPFA that aligns with the fund's net zero objectives and targets ...
Investors and capital markets usually only react to greenwashing when financial regulators take action, investigate and, if ...
The largest pension pot in the EU is still some €220bn smaller than it was at the end of 2021, bucking a pan-European trend ...
Chair Silke Stremlau says it makes economic and ecological sense to include risks such as climate change, biodiversity loss ...
TPR analysis shows 3,750 of 5,000 DB schemes as being in surplus on a low dependency basis, with a further 950 approaching ...