“On August 19, 2024, Microsoft identified a North Korean threat actor exploiting a zero-day vulnerability in Chromium to gain ...
CISOs are urged to carry out tighter vetting of new hires to ward off potential ‘moles’ — who are increasingly finding their ...
The August 21 cyberattack on the US oilfield services contractor Halliburton is now feared to be a ransomware attack, ...
International sanctions, IT isolation, and shifting attitudes to ethical hacking have bug bounty programs on the rise in ...
Security researchers can now earn a quarter million dollars reporting high-impact memory corruption vulnerabilities in Chrome ...
Separately, Microsoft warned that an Iranian state-sponsored threat actor has been deploying a new custom multi-stage ...
A surge in websites with AI-generated text is expected to continue as threat actors increasingly adopt the technology. And ...
The Poortry/BurntCigar toolkit has added more ways for it to evade detection, evolved into something akin to a rootkit.
The multilingual plugin is hit with a critical bug that can allow complete site compromise through remote code execution.A ...
Many factors are driving more and more enterprises to pay ransoms of late. But ethical concerns remain, as shared by several ...
If CEOs are held accountable for what happens on their platform, could this principle be applied to apps using end-to-end ...
A day honoring women’s contributions to the profession brings mixed feelings for those who have persevered through ...