In this video, Jeremy Linneman takes time to explain why the mounting problem of loneliness matters and offers suggestions ...
God’s mission is to gather a people from all nations into a family, a family that would share in the very life of Father, Son, and Spirit. This is the purpose of both creation and redemption.
Gavin Ortlund discusses the Genesis creation account, what the Bible really teaches on the days of creation, and whether there is room for disagreement on this topic within Christian orthodoxy.
There are a number of texts demonstrating that when Jesus lived, died, rose, ascended, and interceded, he did so for a particular group of people. Read what Jesus says about this.
The $5 Book of the Month is an exclusive promotion for Crossway+ members. Each month three hand-picked books are available at ...
If this is a book about what the apostles did, it is interesting that after the twelve are listed in the first chapter, we don’t hear anything else about most of them.
Through the New Testament we have instruction that enables us rightly to appreciate the Old Testament. And that appreciation means understanding how the Old Testament points to Christ.
Join Nancy Guthrie as she talks with Patrick Schreiner about the uniqueness of the book of Acts and the theological themes that are woven throughout the entire book.
Life involves a lot of waiting. For most of us, that usually doesn’t go very well. If we’re honest, waiting pushes our buttons.
We get into trouble when we start to measure our self-worth and how the Lord sees us by how much we got done, by what we can check off our list, and what we can accomplish.
Beauty is clearly an attribute of God. That’s why the psalmist sometimes uses the term “beauty” to describe God.
One of the ongoing problems in the counseling world is that there is no grand unifying theory that explains what is ultimately wrong with people. This is not a problem for Christians.