The wide, steep-cliffed Whanganui River ferries spring water and snowmelt from Mount Tongariro to the west coast of Aotearoa ...
In April 2024, above-average rainfall caused Kenya’s Ewaso Nyiro River to burst its banks, flooding the area and wreaking ...
What’s on the menu for a healthy bee? A team of researchers has delved into the world of bee nutrition, analyzing pollen to ...
There are a multitude of mineral ores used to produce industrial metals, which can be organized into four major groups with ...
Surprises” is a term introduced to the literature in climate science by Stephen Schneider (1945-2010) to represent unexpected ...
When it comes to conservation, forests and oceans are the big attention grabbers. But rangelands, which cover 54% of the ...
A priority project of Brazil’s congressional agribusiness caucus, the so-called Poison Bill eases restrictions on the sale ...
For Leticia Carvalho, change is needed at the International Seabed Authority, the regulator of deep-sea mining in ...
Suriname has some of the largest, most intact rainforests in the world. The Amazon covers around 93% of its surface area, ...
It’s Mass Day in Fenua Aihere. There are no roads to this part of the island of Tahiti — it’s only reachable by boat. It’s ...
For the first time in history, we now farm more seafood than we catch from the wild. At the same time, overfishing of wild ...
As dry brush crackled and smoke curled upward, there was a palpable feeling of satisfaction among firefighters gathered near ...