Today too is a good day to remind that UNRWA is a purely Palestinian organization, run by Palestinians (except for a foreign facade at the top), for the purpose of propagating a continuous war against ...
So the interests of British women and girls are now in the hands of a politician who can't define what a woman is, but is certain men are women if they say they are ...
The case this week of a surrogate mother who had to fight for the right to have any contact with her son - after the gay couple who paid to rent her womb said it was 'homophobic' for her to be ...
A new report on the Edinburgh Rape Crisis Centre is damning on the role of Mridul Wadhwa: A controversial rape crisis centre “damaged” victims of sexual violence by hindering their access to ...
The world is catching up on North Korea's clampdown on "anti-socialist" - ie South Korean - culture. Richard Lloyd Parry in the Times: Video has emerged from North Korea showing handcuffed teenagers ...
Exciting times in Minnesota, as reported by Genevieve Gluck at Reduxx: A total of five male convicts were transferred to a Minnesota’s women-only prison following the adoption of a gender identity ...
Behind the scenes at Pallywood. From MEMRI TV: Gaza makeup artist Abd Al-Baset Al-Lulu, who specializes in creating “cinematic illusions” with makeup that replicates war wounds, demonstrated his ...
It may be hard to believe that there's a darker side to the Taliban's suppression of women, given what we know already - but yes, there is. From the latest Private Eye, issue 1632: ...
@fathomjournal is back in a few days after a summer break. Here is an excerpt from an upcoming article by @renegade_Kathy To @EinatWilf, the best definition of the Israel-Palestine conflict ever came ...
THE BBC REPORT IS OUT. After months of work, I have a lot to say. But, for now, I want to leave you with one of our key findings for BBC Arabic. I sampled 160 randomly selected interviewees. Of these, ...
Extraordinary quote from Trevor Asserson following his review into BBC bias.. “After analysing 9 million words of content, we were wrong in our presumptions about the BBC being biased….It is ...