Waymo, a self-driving car development company, operates fully self-driving taxi businesses in multiple regions, and has exceeded 22 million miles (about 35.4 million kilometers) in total distance ...
Murai, a strange high school boy, is in love with his homeroom teacher, Ms. Tanaka. However, Tanaka is in love with his favorite character in a girls' game, Hitotose. Murai, completely unaware of ...
The Carpenter Pod comes clattering along. There are beer bottles and plates of snacks on the top of the pod, but the pod moves smoothly so the bottles don't swing or tip over. As it got closer, it ...
the SLAC-Stanford Battery Center has published the results of a study on the first charging of lithium-ion batteries. Lithium-ion batteries have a characteristic that their performance and ...
McAfee has pointed out the existence of malicious Android apps that use optical character recognition (OCR) technology to recognize text information displayed on the screen and steal ...
Google's research organization, Google Research, has announced Health Acoustic Representations (HeAR), an AI model that can detect early symptoms of diseases such as tuberculosis by training it on ...
Remarkable Alexa is expected to include features such as AI-generated news summaries, shopping advice for customers, a 'safe and moderated' chatbot for kids, and the ability to carry out more ...
Sep 04, 2024 13:00:00 Over 500 South Korean schools may be 'victims of deepfake porn', police launch Telegram investigation In recent years, with the advancement of AI technology, 'deep fake porn ...
アメリカの宝くじは大当たりの金額が日本とは桁違いで、時には 数千億円規模の賞金 が支払われることもあります。そんなアメリカの宝くじの大当たりがいかに奇跡的な確率なのかを体験できるシミュレーターが公開されています。 Lottery Simulator ...
緩歩動物(Tardigrade)は8本の短く太い脚でゆっくり動くことから総称され、形がクマに似ていることからクマムシと呼ばれます。高い生命力でも知られるクマムシの最初の記録として残っている1773年のスケッチについて、自然科学の修士号と科学史および科 ...
「人生を自分でコントロールできる」という思考はモチベーションの基本であり、もしコントロールの感覚を喪失してしまうと、人間の心身や行動に大きな影響が及ぶ可能性があります。新たな研究では、長期間の失業が幸福感や自尊心の低下、無気力さ、コントロールを喪失し ...