Interdepartmental Graduate Program in Dynamical Neuroscience, University of California, Santa Barbara Although grid cells are one of the most well studied functional classes of neurons in the ...
The authors present a valuable study exploring the interaction between JNK signaling and high sucrose feeding. The strength of evidence supporting these observations is solid, including multi-tissue ...
Together, the findings suggested that 17α-estradiol extensively reshaped the cell populations, cellular communication, neuropeptide secretion, and neural synapse activity in aged hypothalamus, which ...
CUTS is a cryptic exon RNA biosensor enabling real-time detection of TDP-43 loss of splicing function. CUTS exhibits a significant linear relationship with TDP-43 loss. CUTS can deliver an ...
Chondrocyte columns, which are a hallmark of growth plate architecture, play a central role in bone elongation. Columns are formed by clonal expansion following rotation of the division plane, ...
The accumulation of SIRT4 in the nuclei of kidney cells drives kidney fibrosis, so blocking the movement of this protein could be a potential therapeutic strategy against fibrosis.
Despite advances in therapeutic approaches, lung cancer remains the leading cause of cancer-related deaths. To understand the molecular programs underlying lung cancer initiation and maintenance, we ...
One year after forming this Committee, we’re inviting applications from researchers in the Global South to join for a term ...
A model with a mixture of three different decision strategies is developed to characterize several atypical behavioral patterns of individuals with depression and anxiety in an uncertain reward ...
Nearly a thousand diverse adaptive mutants converge into a handful of groups for which fitness responds the same way to ...
The developed statistical method paves the way for next generation demographic and selection inference by combining information from several heritable genomic and epigenomic markers.
Three senior figures at the US National Institutes of Health explain why the agency remains committed to supporting basic science and research.