As people today increasingly identify their sense of self maturation with their ability to make their own life decisions, ...
We pride ourselves today in the West on being people who make the majority of our life decisions based on reason. The reason that this is so important is that reason, for the most part, does not lead ...
It is one thing to have to deal with and fight off the effects of one major political cult in one’s country. It is something else entirely to have to confront two major political cults at the same ...
I have always thought that most movie stars or entertainers need to have better judgement and instead of being a follower, are able to make their own decision upon reading the facts. Can they not ...
How is it that even at world games, an athlete’s sexual chromosomes at birth which identify the infant’s sex has now become a favorite topic for the liberal/ woke/ progressive ? They have decided that ...
Forty-five lying doctors signed a letter to President Biden & Kamala Harris to urge them to stop the war in Gaza because of the injury to the residents, most of them without a doubt being pro-Hamas ...
La agencia de noticias Reuters informó, según una fuente de seguridad, que los walkie-talkies que explotaron en el Líbano ...
Una ola de explosiones mortales en Líbano y partes de Siria ha tenido como blanco a funcionarios de Hezbolá cuyos ...
Y por supuesto no podía faltar, asi como hace tiempo con la caída del helicóptero de un importante líder Irani y que se ...
En un poderoso simposio virtual, el presidente Isaac Herzog lanzó el domingo la iniciativa "La voz del pueblo", que abre las ...