Unable to jam through bills he says will lower California gas prices, Gov. Newsom calls the Legislature back into session.
Years in the making, two of the most aggressive bills to repair harm done to Black Californians stalled out in the ...
California oil companies will have until July, 2030 to monitor wells near homes and schools for leaks into air and water.
Ranchers who defied a CA water order were only fined $50 each. Some fines can increase 20-fold under legislation headed to ...
Even if the bill wins final passage and is signed into law, its impact is uncertain. The California Department of Finance ...
An eleventh-hour proposal by California lawmakers to offer some small relief from rising electric bills is likely dead.
Gov. Newsom faces criticism for allegedly inflating health care costs estimates, raising concerns over Californians’ access ...
Gov. Gavin Newsom has ordered cops and lawyers from state agencies to assist in Oakland and other cities. Not everyone is ...
Although only a handful of private colleges allow legacy admissions, some say banning the practice would help more students ...
So-called prevailing wage requirements are a hallmark of most publicly funded construction projects. The low-income housing ...
She had a choice because she worked at a charter school in Los Angeles. Staff at traditional public schools don’t have the ...
State lawmakers agree with Google on a program to help local media outlets and explore artificial intelligence.