For years Mohamed's family tried to make him more like other boys - tougher, more "masculine". They even sent him to have a female spirit driven out with hallucinogenic drugs. Eventually, writes ...
Somalia's minister of foreign affairs has said Somalia will consider establishing contacts with and support rebels fighting in Ethiopia if the Ethiopian government attempts to implement the deal ...
Muslim clerics in conflict-hit Somalia are moving to the front-line of the battle against coronavirus in a bid to counter the propaganda of militant Islamists, writes BBC Somalia analyst Mary ...
In Somalia, fifteen people have been killed in two explosions in central Beledweyne town. Local police officers told the state-owned television that among dead, were an outspoken lawmaker, Amina ...
By A Staff Writer For many years, the Horn of Africa has been derailed from peace and prosperity, resulting in protracted political turmoil and attendant socio-economic anomalies. Many states in the ...
The post has been shared more than 140 times and viewed 22,000 times since it was published on September 3, 2024. "The Somali parliament is devastated. Parliamentarians who are Ethiopian friends ...
“Whether from Ukraine, Syria, Afghanistan or Somalia, people who flee violence and persecution often become separated from their family members, which can have devastating consequences on their ...