A coalition of the French left that quickly banded together to beat a surging far right in legislative elections won the most ...
Surprise polling projections in France showed a leftist coalition that came together to try to keep the far right from power ...
The far-right National Rally not only failed to secure an outright majority in the second round of voting in France’s ...
By Ségolène Le Stradic and Matthew Mpoke Bigg Leaders of France’s far-right National Rally tried to put a brave face on ...
The right-wing, Marine Le Pen-led National Rally is closer than ever to control of France's government, and looking to make ...
The star president of France's National Rally will take the helm of government only if the party wins an absolute majority in ...
Austria's far-right Freedom Party (FPO), Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban's Fidesz and the populist Czech ANO party led ...
France’s fiercely anti-immigration National Rally and opponents of the far-right party are scrambling to capitalize on a ...
For decades, there’s been a strong political taboo in France against a far-right party coming to power. Now, just weeks ...
France’s National Rally party made considerable gains in the country’s first round of elections Sunday, putting centrist ...
PARIS (AP) — The star president of France's National Rally will take the helm of government only if the party wins an absolute majority in Sunday's second round of legislative elections ...