A gigantic near-earth asteroid is set to pass by on April 13, 2029, and again in 2036. Named Apophis, this asteroid is known to be the most 'hazardous' at the moment, with a diameter of 370 meters ...
New research suggests that fire from the sky in the form of a small asteroid annihilated a city near the Dead Sea 3,600 years ...
NASA's recent capture of two large asteroids passing close to Earth was not just a routine observation. One of the asteroids ...
MK and 2011 UL21 came in peace and were more than happy to be papped. 2011 UL21 cruised by on June 27th at a comfortable ...
A large asteroid impacting Earth is highly unlikely for the foreseeable future. But because the damage from such an event ...
The fifth edition of the Planetary Defense Interagency Tabletop Exercise worked on the scenario of an asteroid about to hit ...
Hulk Smash China is planning to send an satellite into orbit that will then study and smash to bits a nearby asteroid in a ...
The presence and state of phosphates, along with other elements and compounds on Bennu, suggest a watery past for the ...
An asteroid the size of a football stadium will thread the needle between Earth and the moon Saturday morning — the second ...
June 30 marks Asteroid Day, a holiday observed annually to reflect on the prospect of a planet-destroying space rock ...
Bennu is a roughly 0.3-mile-wide (500 meters) asteroid that orbits in near-Earth space. Scientists suspect it’s a chunk of a larger asteroid that broke off due to a collision farther out.